Tuesday 4 February 2014

Bible Verses for Labour and Delivery

With my first pregnancy, I made some inspirational cards with bible verses which I felt would be comforting to me while in labour.  I didn't actually end up reading them then, but as I had spent so much time reading, re-reading and meditating on them before I went into labour, the truths they held had sunk in and I do believe were a comfort to me during labour.

I made them using markers and some large index cards, as they were just for myself.  But to share them with you all, I redid them digitally - and you're welcome to print them out and use them as you think they might be a comfort to you - for labour, or just for life! :)  Below are the images of each individual one - and by clicking here you can download the PDF with them all on one page.

Are there any particular bible verses you found helpful to meditate on before or during the time when you gave birth?

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  1. Love these thank you for sharing. I am due July 10th. I will definitely be printing these out. (:

    1. You are welcome, Lexi! Congrats to you! The link should be working now if you want to print them out on one page.

  2. Love these thank you for sharing. I am due July 10th. I will definitely be printing these out. (:

  3. Thank you! I can't seem to find the download link for the PDF. Am I missing it?

    1. Hi Heidi! That's because I had forgotten to link to it - so sorry! Thanks for drawing it to my attention.

    2. Thank you so much! I am due the end of April and have been collecting verses. During my last labor, I found Psalm 20 very comforting.

    3. That is a beautiful one! I had never thought of it in that context! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I sell affirmation cards for pregnant women (Christian ones) - can be found in my store at www.blessingGodsway.com

    I also have a book/dvd on how to celebrate pregnancy from a Christian perspective for blessingways… check it out!

    1. Hi! I took a look at your website and it looks like you have alot of really neat, unique resources for Christian women! If you'd be interested in having us review some of them, along with a giveaway here at WHO CAN STAND, feel free to be in touch at whocanstandblog@gmail.com


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