With that in mind, I wanted to encourage you to consider attending one this year - whether you are homeschooling or not! It always surprises me when I hear of homeschooling parents who "just don't go" to their local homeschooling conference, as they are such wonderful opportunities. Here are five reasons why:
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Arizona Home Education Convention |
If you don't have school aged children, this is a great opportunity to consider alternatives to sending them to public or private school. Then, if you still choose to do either, at least you will have considered all the options and made what you believe to be the best choice. You won't simply be following tradition, or acting on false ideas about homeschooling.
2. It's a great place to connect with other homeschooling families.
We all have something to learn, and it can be great to meet other families to see what they are doing and find creative solutions you may not have considered. Likewise, you might be the one who lends a helping hand, or a listening ear to a family you meet. You don't know what effect your conversations will have, and you could make friendships that last a lifetime!
3. You can find encouragement in your Christian walk.
Our homeschooling conference brings in great Christian speakers, and I always come away from the conference having grown in my faith. I have listened to talks on creation, understanding how you're demonstrating Christianity to the world, and overall been challenged to have a more biblical worldview. I truly believe any Christian would find encouragement at our local homeschooling conference, and I am sure that is true for many others. For many parents, homeschooling is part of having a biblical worldview, and any parent will benefit by being inspired to be more involved in the life of their child.
4. To support homeschooling in your area.
It just might be a conversation you have with the family who is considering homeschooling, that shows them it can be done, and inspires them to try! I've heard numerous stories about people who began homeschooling because of a conference they went to. Also, by attending the conference you add yourself to the number of people who show that homeschooling is important to them, which sends an important message to politicians and bureaucrats.
5. To remember the reasons why you homeschool.
Sometimes the challenges can overwhelm the bigger picture, and it's good to step back and remember your convictions. Attending a conference is a great way to get a yearly charge-up and a fresh perspective as you start a new year of homeschooling! You will meet great people who are also excited, be able to check out new curriculum, and hear inspiring speakers.
I'd love to hear the reasons why you like going to a homeschooling conference. Leave a comment to encourage others as well!
If you're here in Ontario, the OCHEC Convention (Ontario Christian Home Educator's Connection) is happening NEXT WEEKEND. You can register at the door, and we'd love to see you if you're there! This conference holds a soft spot for us, because it's where we first met! But that is a story for another post...

Linked up at A Mama's Story, The Modest Mom, What Joy Is Mine, Growing Home, Above Rubies, Deep Roots At Home, Raising Homemakers, We Are That Family, Walking Redeemed, Graced Simplicity, Raising Mighty Arrows