Friday 2 August 2013

Oh! The Desires of my Heart!

Oh that I would feel what I know! as I have in some times past:
  1. The awfulness of my sins, and the wonder that Christ would die to save me!
  2. The intense contentment of rejoicing in my trials, knowing that all things work out for my good. (Rom. 8:28)
  3. The love for, and life-or-death urgency for souls on track for punishment.
  4. The sweet communion with other saints.
  5. Not only the urgent desire, but the satisfying pleasure of communing with the Father, Son, and Holy spirit in reading the Word and in prayer. And that I might not hear the Word only, and so deceive myself, but do what it says!

Oh! That my son would feel the love that I have for him more! That I would more truly love him as our Heavenly Father loves his children!  Oh that my wife would feel the tender love, compassion and understanding that Christ has for the church! Through me, a picture of Christ in this representation of Christ and the church that is our marriage! 

Oh! That Christ would show me my sin, and that through his strength I may give it the cut! That I would be ruthless with any sins that so easily ensnare and hold back!

Oh! That I might always seek the strength of the Holy Spirit to love Christ more! To live for him more fully!

Oh! that when I share the gospel, it might not be in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit!

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